+39 010 2512373 pinnaviardo@gmail.com

Greenhouse in the Park

Project Description

The program called for the creation of a pavilion to be used as a coffee shop-restaurant with an outdoor space to service the group of museums found in the historical-environmental context of the Parks in Nervi.
A new volume in iron and glass substitutes that of a greenhouse, whose existing structure was impossible to recuperate and adapt to the new needs, and thus one large room with a roof and façade facing the park is proposed. The parts in masonry, including the decorative apparatus, the walkways and the elements in iron that are still functional such as boardwalks and fences, were maintained and restored.
Inside, the relationship with nature and the fragments of walls and stones from the greenhouse is determined through an ideal progression from the exterior: on the roof, we tried to recreate the same muted light that filters through the leaves of the trees; on the transparent walls, that are lightly mirrored, the view of the natural scene is enriched by changing reflections.
The weight-bearing frames of the structure are discreet and reduced to a minimum, studding the park and keeping a relationship at a distance with the stones of the walls of the environment. They are partially inside the room and partially outside. They are composed of a trunk and wings divided into two branches supporting the frame of the roof.

Project Details

Client Municipality of Genoa
Location Genoa, Parks of Nervi, Villa Serra
Year 2004
Typology New building
With Emanuela Brignone, Chantal Cattaneo Della Volta, Italo Rota
Collaborators Vittorio Grassi, Alessandro Iozzia Maddalieno, Paolo Ferrari, Andrea Gastaldi, Tommaso Papini (structures), Marcello Pilati (technological systems)
Consultant Giordano Tironi
Structures Gianluca Papini
Technological systems 
Ernesto Amman
Management of works 
Comune di Genova, Mario Rizzi
Borchi Costruzioni S.r.l

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